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Academic articles, documentary films, etc. Everything you need to know about net-pens.


Academic Publications & Reports


Benjamin Rigby, Reade Davis, Dean Bavington, Christopher Baird  (2016)
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Industrial aquaculture and the politics of resignation

Marine Policy, Elsevier Ltd.


Christine Knott (2016)
Contentious mobilities and Cheap(er) Labour: Temporary Foreign Workers in a New Brunswick Seafood Processing Community

Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie


Meinhard Doelle and William Lahey (2014)

A New Regulatory Framework for Low-Impact/High-Value Aquaculture in Nova Scotia. 
The Final Report of the Independent Aquaculture Regulatory Review for Nova Scotia


TrondW. Rosten, KristianHenriksen, Erik Skontorp Hognes, Brian Vinci, Steven Summerfelt 

Land Based RAS and Open Pen Salmon Aquaculture: Comparative Economic and Environmental Assessment
The Conservation Fund

Academic Publications & Reports
Doelle Lahey Report

Documentary Films


Artifishal - produced by Patagonia

A film about people, rivers, and the fight for the future of wild fish and the environment that supports them. It explores wild salmon’s slide toward extinction, threats posed by fish hatcheries and fish farms, and our continued loss of faith in nature.

Salmon Wars - by Silver Donald Cameron and Chris Beckett

A documentary film by Silver Donald Cameron and Chris Beckett looking at the state of the aquaculture industry in Maritime Canada and the plans to dramatically increase production sites around the coast of Nova Scotia.

Documentary Films

MEDIA - Canadian News Stories



April 9, 2020: CBC News - (Paul Withers)

Salmon farming giant Cermaq abandons controversial Nova Scotia expansion
Top Story




March 11, 2020: Masthead News - p.1 (Keith Ayling)

Close to 400 Residents Storm Fish Farm Meeting March 1st


March 6, 2020: CBC News 

Cermaq’s Public Info Session in Hubbards: People are Getting Hot


March 5, 2020: CKBW Bridgewater (Evan Taylor)

Cermaq’s Public Info Session Shows Lack Of Support


March 3, 2020: CBC News

Harsh weather linked to die-off at Newfoundland salmon farm: The fish died in cages at a Cooke Aquaculture operation near Baie d'Espoir


March 1, 2020: CTV News Atlantic

Open net salmon farms discussed in Halifax


March 1, 2020: Global News (Graeme Benjamin)

Public rally held in Upper Tantallon in opposition to open-pen salmon fish farms


February 12, 2020: Masthead News - p.1 (Catherine Clute)

Tension Over Open Net Farm Fishing Erupts at Council Meetings

February 10, 2020: Saltwire Network

Aquaculture a broken business model that's ruinous for the environment


February 5, 2020: The Narwhal

Highly contagious virus found in majority of Clayoquot Sound salmon farms: report


February 5, 2020: CTV News

'We're on the brink': Report highlights concerning virus in B.C. salmon


January 24, 2020: The Chronicle Herald

Potential salmon farm operations raising concerns


January 20, 2020: The Chronicle Herald

Opposition expressed to salmon fish farm proposal for St. Mary's Bay


December 22, 2019: Global News

Up to 21,000 Atlantic salmon escape B.C. fish farm pen after damaging fire


November 25, 2019: Global News

Environmentalists, fish farm spar over mass fish die-off at Vancouver Island facility

Global reports on 200,000 Cermaq salmon die-off in BC’s Clayoquot Sound, part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Ahousaht First Nation territory.


October 28, 2019: CBC News
Dead salmon residue remains as Northern Harvest Sea Farms says cleanup complete.

The death of 2.6 million salmon off Newfoundland. 


Salmon Farms
Breaking News!



Stewart Lamont, Managing Director, Tangier Lobster Co., Tangier

In remembrance of Silver Donald Cameron

The Chronicle Herald, June 3, 2020


Daryl Gray

Politicians can’t evade aquaculture responsibility

The Chronicle Herald, April 7, 2020


Katherine Feiel

Why don’t politicians listen to fish farm opposition?

The Chronicle Herald, April 1, 2020


Ralph Surette

End looms for open-pen salmon farms — time for Atlantic Canada to get on board

The Chronicle Herald, March 20, 2020


Cora Swinamer

Take it from a reluctant ‘activist’: aquaculture a noxious industry

The Chronicle Herald, March 9, 2020


Helga Guderley 

Five knocks against farming salmon along Nova Scotia coast

The Chronicle Herald, January 31, 2020


Geoff Le Boutillier (St. Margaret’s Bay) & Syd Dumaresq (Mahone Bay)

Twin Bays Coalition Says “No!” to Open-Net Pens

Masthead News, January 15, 2020 (p 13)


Nova Scotia Laws and Regulations


Nova Scotia Aquaculture Regulatory Advisory Committee.

Nova Scotia differs from BC. Here open-net pens are regulated by the Province. In BC they fall under federal jurisdiction. But the argument touted by the government that “NS has the toughest regulatory regime” is simply not true. There are many territories with infinitely tighter rules, stiffer enforcement, and much less ministerial discretion. Norway, for example, is the Gold Standard. There every single net pen in the country is monitored in real time and the data on such things as escaped fish, disease, temperature, feed and medications is available 24/7 to the public.



NS Laws & Regulations



TIANS Statement Regarding Proposed Aquaculture Development Sites 2020

TIANS reviews their position regarding the development and implementation of open pen finfish operations in Nova Scotia.


Twin Bays (2020)
Tourism and Open-net Pen Salmon Farming in Nova Scotia – with a focus on the South Shore







Friends of Nature AGM - March 11

29:00 Kirk Havercroft of Sustainable Blue describes the success story of a Nova Scotian land-based salmon farm


Upper Tantallon Public Event - March 1

Bob Chamberlin, former Chief Councillor of the Kwikwasutinuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation and former VP of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, which represents over 100 BC First Nations.


Karen Wristen, Executive Director of BC’s Living Oceans Society, is applying her background in environmental law to advocating for wild salmon habitat and sustainable aquaculture.


Bonny Glambeck, a lifelong activist and naturalist based in Tofino, BC, helped build the temperate rain forest movement, culminating in the 1993 Clayoquot protests, the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history.


Jeff Wagner and Vince Boutilier,  Twin Bays lobstermen (LFA 33). 


Lorne Johanson, former Lunenburg B&B operator and TIANS Board member, has written two reports for TIANS on aquaculture.  He has a Master's Degree in Marine Science and Environmental Management. 


Jim Lawley, Halifax entrepreneur, Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation Director and land-based closed containment pioneer.


Colin Sproul, fifth generation lobsterman, VP Bay of Fundy Inshore Fishermen's Association.





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